Debbie Harrington

Debbie Harrington
Debbie Harrington
Home:Middletown, DE
Age:Information not found


Bachelor’s Degree, Norfolk State University in Psychology; Doctorate in Organizational Leadership from Wilmington University

Prior Experience:

Vice Chair of the Democratic Party (current); 1st Vice Chair of Delaware State University Board of Trustees (current); board member for the Early College School (current); member of Board of Examiners of Psychologists (current); Vice Chair of Middletown Police Advisory Board (current), Church Administrator at her local church; served in the U.S. army for 25 years earning Full Colonial status; served as Systems Integrator at the Pentagon under the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations; served as Battalion Commander of a Port Operations Battalion, Chief of the Deployment Center for North Atlantic Treaty Organization; Director of Strategic Plans for the Navy’s Military Sealift Command; a Desert Storm Veteran having served in the Port of Ad Dammam as the Operations Officer. Education: Bachelor’s Degree, Norfolk State University in Psychology; Doctorate in Organizational Leadership from Wilmington University


Issues and Positions

Create a modern and robust criminal justice system that holds criminals accountable to the law while rehabilitating those individuals who deserve a second chance. 

Helping individuals and businesses create wealth through earning, investing and saving money

renewable and clean energy technologies and solutions, including offshore wind farms, electric charging station, and solar powered energy solutions. 

connect our veterans to education, employment and housing so that they are able to care for their families.

Bring together homeowners, tenants, landlords, bankers, builders, developers, non-profits and labor unions to manage policies and practices that are equitable and ensure affordable housing, home ownership, and fair leasing.

Create an alternative certification program within our education system to address teacher shortages.

Address mental health issues through preventive, early screenings, community support services and addictive recovery programs.