Party: | Independent |
Home: | Malibu, CA |
Age: | 70 |
Graduated with a BA in American History and literature from Harvard University; studied at London School of economics; graduated with a Juris Doctor Degree from the University of Virginia School of Law; graduated with a Master of Laws from Pace University.
Prior Experience:
Environmental attorney for various companies the past 40 years; appointed as counsel to Morgan and Morgan (2016); founded EcoWatch (2011); editor of Indian Country Today (2011); Founded Kennedy & Madonna, LLP law firm (2000); Co-founded the WaterKeeper alliance and served as its President (1999-2020); Established the Environmental Litigation Clinic at Pace University School of Law (1987) serving at the supervising attorney; Senior attorney at Riverkeeper from (1985-2017); Board member of the Long Island Soundkeeper; Volunteered at the Riverkeeper, formerly known as The Hudson River Fishermen’s Association (1984); Assistant district attorney for Manhattan (1982).
Issues and Positions
Reinstall faith in our government by terminating the relationship between government and corporations.
Fill leadership positions with unbiased and honest officials to prevent the spread of corruption and bring the nation’s best interests to the forefront.
Improve the economy and create more affordable housing through spending cuts to the military and big businesses.
Execute government-backed mortgage bonds, restart the use of unused city-owned land, and create zoning and tax changes to work towards lowering the cost of home ownership.
Work towards strengthening the military while bringing troops home and ending participation in foreign wars.
Prioritize diplomatic methods of international relations to protect our allies while simultaneously cutting our military engagement and costs.
Defend our borders by installing more technology to track those coming into the country illegally. Move illegal immigrants swiftly through asylum claims by incorporating more funding, judges, and court services allocated for these cases.
Preserve the environment by dissolving the corporate influence, reducing pollution and waste while protecting natural habitats and resources, and putting the ecosystem’s needs over business profits.
Provide accessible and affordable healthcare, as well as more research into various chronic diseases (ADHD, diabetes, autism, etc) to find their root causes.
Invest in agricultural needs to create farming that excludes the use of harmful pesticides and toxins, subsequently improving the environment and America’s health.
Provide better protection of all citizens and work to stop discrimination in areas of healthcare, homeownership, policing, and more to create a more inclusive social and economic environment.
Address the wrongs committed towards Native Americans and work towards repairing the relationship between them and the government.
Protect the general public from misinformation and propaganda while ensuring our guaranteed rights are respected.
Empower veterans by giving them political power in the executive office as well as using their expertise in the future to keep veterans safe.
Modify the Americorps program to include all citizens over 18. Provide more career opportunities for those who aren’t interested in attending college.
Supply more alternatives to abortion and set up policies to ensure good childcare and support for parents through pregnancies.
Transform the energy industry by promoting a free-market approach in which fossil fuel companies limit costs for consumers and generate more wind and solar power.
Apply fair taxes that not only benefit the lower and middle classes but also take away some of the unfair advantages that the wealthy receive.
Implement Healing Farms, an approach that takes struggling citizens and teaches them skills such as farming, carpenting, electrician, and other trades.